We left early on Wednesday (St. Patrick's Day) and returned on Sunday afternoon. Thank goodness for Xavier, he watched the pets. We were hoping to take the dogs with, but hotels weren't as pet friendly as they advertised, and it turned out to be better anyways. Had more time with just my Lee. <3 We went to Bourbon Street, the zoo, the aquarium, the French Quarter, Frenchmen Street and everything in between! I had never been to Louisiana and definitely never have been to New Orleans. It was a blast. There was so much to do and so many things to eat! We spent the most money on parking and food! It was so much fun though. One night we just walked up and down Bourbon Street and another we spent walking down Frenchmen Street enjoying the free music! We did spend one night low key and had dinner and saw Bounty Hunter (which I really enjoyed). All in all, it was a great trip. Lee and I had never traveled solo together to vacation, so that was really nice. We are really thankful to have our "Tommy Boy" (Tom Tom), he helped us around without massive planning or map-questing. Much needed for the both of us.

On another note: Lee finished all of his classes and only has ONE test left between him and his teaching certification! I am so proud of him! :)
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