Sunday, December 13, 2009

Meme begins

With the holidays up and coming... I know I will not be able to blog everyday for 30 days, so I will make the meme my own and try to do a few from the list each time. Making my own rules!

Day 01 → Your favorite song
My favorite song of the moment - Fireflys by Owl City
My favorite song of all time - What It's Like by Everlast

Day 02 → Your favorite movie(s)

Bridget Jones Diary, The Sandlot, Across The Universe, Elf, Sydney White

Day 03 → Your favorite television program(s)
The Office, How I Met Your Mother, Big Bang Theory, Chelsea Lately, 30 Rock, Modern Family...

Day 04 → Your favorite book

The Twilight Series, and I am embarking on the Chelsea Handler books now!

Day 05 → Your favorite quote
At the moment it is this one:
"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, Love leaves a memory no one can steal."

We helped Ally and Tristan's family move her stuff out on Saturday morning. It made everything so real, that she really wasn't coming back. It was hard. I miss her everyday.

We were in Christmas mode the rest of the weekend.

Took the dogs to get their pictures taken with Santa Paws.

Snickers was terrified and Gus was waiting for some sort of treat or reward as we were calling them to look at the camera. All of the money from Saturday's pictures went to the animal shelter - so that was pretty awesome. We even got a cute litter paw print Christmas frame. Maybe the grandparents will get a copy for Christmas *wink* *wink* Since these are your grandchild at the current time, and content about that! HaHa.

We had our Secret Santa party at the Menser's house on Saturday. Jenn got me a Spongebob blanket and pillow and Wii points! Lee got Transformers 2, M&Ms and a gift card to the movie theater here. We had a great time. Sunday was my work party. Lee and I hosted it and we all had a blast!

Lee made 6 pies for the parties this weekend! 2 apple, 2 pumpkin and 2 pecan. Everyone was excited and he got great reviews! :) There will be many pies in the future! Very proud of my cook and baker. He spoils us so.

Before I go... I have to share this picture of Lee in his classroom. We went to visit the school on Friday when the kids were having their Winter Dance.


TVs Michael Oder said...

As an avid lover of pies of all kind I am glad there is someone who likes to bake pies in town. If you ever need an official taste tester or just someone to eat pie with, LET ME KNOW!