Monday, July 20, 2009

Bad News & Good News

So, most of you already know, but I took Salem to the vet last week because he was peeing on the weirdest things and it was really starting to concern me. The vet did do a urine test - which came back that he had a urinary infection. He is on some antibiotics for it, and should be done with it this week. The vet also had some concerns with his age and health. Salem is 13 years old. So we did a blood test. The blood test came back that he had kidney problems. We have switched him to K/D, but even then the doctor isn't sure how he will take to the food and if it will help his kidneys. The vet said it could be 6 months or it could be years. He has switched and actually loves the new food and believe it or not - it's cheaper than his other cat food Evo. So far so good. He has a check up in a month and hopefully he is either the same weight or heavier... thin is not good. So, we are watching him and pampering him like crazy.

Salem in his new catnip lounger. :)

On another note, the pups have been training and training and are doing fabulous. Today I took them to CSISD summer camp. The shelter did a program on responsible pet ownership, how to crate train, how to clicker train and so on. Snickers is such a social butterfly with people. :) Especially kids! Gus is still warming up to a room full of kids wanting to touch him. Heck -- who wouldn't be nervous with a class full of 20 children (3rd-6th grade)?? We are working with Snickers to get her CGC certified. Gus is still to young, but when he is at least a year old we will work with him on it too.

IT'S RAINING LIKE CRAZY HERE. Tornado watch and everything. I've got a Salem under the table, Snickers on my lap and Gus playing with his kong. I will take a video to add to this post.


Anonymous said...

holy crap! intense rain!
*prayers and good love to salem*

i love you, girly! be safe in the rain!
